
Our Story

Orchard Avenue Studios Ltd. is the result from the transformation of Canopy Creative under the direction of Executive Producer Wes Booth. A boutique story-driven filmmaking company committed to transforming brands into ads worth sharing.

There's a new road to story-making in the neighbourhood.

Stories are something for everyone to enjoy. We all need space to dream. Storytelling is not just a marketing strategy, it's the lifeblood of any brand. Stories are the seed of thought and behaviour. It's what builds meaningful relationships and inspires humans into action.

We make films.

We believe motion pictures are the most powerful form of communication ever created.

A film is a vehicle in which to transfer emotion from your brand to your audience. From peaks and valleys, twists and turns. We guide you through this path of transformation. Your partner in digital storytelling.

A website without a video is like a building without a front door. It's the best way to welcome someone into what you do and why.

The emotion of any story is its heartbeat. It's what compels passive listeners into active supporters. What do we want people to think, feel, and do? Connecting on an emotional level can make your story unforgettable.

The voice and tone you choose can make or break your story. It's crucial that it resonates with your intended audience. Your voice should be an extension of your brand’s personality, while the tone should adapt based on the content and context.

Show don't tell. Know the difference to captivate your audience and make engaging stories.

We believe storytelling has the power to transform the world.

Changing perception is part of our DNA - it’s what we do. Underdogs. Rural. Since day one, we’ve been living this through our work and belief in where we come from. We believe these stories must be told.

We take this responsibility seriously. In story-making it's the closest thing we have to stewardship - a sanctuary for stories to breathe and grow to emerge as a force for good.

Through our curiosity, rollin’ up our sleeves and immersing ourselves in the story, we fully embrace all aspects of making it come to life. With scalable budgets and the right-sized team, we have everything to meet the needs of your project.

The status quo is not sustainable. Neither is leaving your story on the shelf.

Our Services

Story Development

Writing / Directing / Producing

Camera / Drone Operation

Video Production


Types of Story Making

TV Spots / Commercials

Digital Ads

Branded Content

Short Docs

Scripted / Editorial

Social Content

Web Series

Our Process

Design - Drafting the Blueprint

Making a film is a big deal! Before engaging in any filmmaking project we first need to determine why we are making a film. In the Discovery Session, we immerse ourselves in the world of ideas and inspiration. This is where our creative journey begins and important in structuring the story and making your vision come to life. Extensive research and diving into story development sessions will help us identify the core message you want to convey. The goal is to unearth a story that resonates with your audience and sparks curiosity.

Laying the right groundwork is essential to making a great film. Once we've determined your story, it's time to design its structure. The design stage is where we draft a detailed blueprint for your story including scripting, storyboarding, and visualizing your film. Here we develop the script/narrative and draw up a storyboard. The design phase ensures that every element of your film is meticulously planned and ready for execution.

Plan - Creating a Roadmap

There are a ton of variables to consider when making a film. Planning is the backbone of any successful film production. The amount of planning needed will vary depending on the design and story scope. Being prepared before making a film is paramount. Creating a comprehensive roadmap that includes budgeting, scheduling and logistics is needed to ensure a smooth production. Here we will scout locations, assemble a crew, and finalize casting. Develop a shooting schedule that optimizes time and resources. This phase is about turning the blueprint into a feasible roadmap, ensuring that every aspect of production is accounted for and organized.

Build - Making Your Story

The build phase is where we make your film come to life. This is the production stage where we capture your story on camera. Direct your actors, manage the crew, and navigate the challenges of on-set production. Attention to detail is crucial as we bring the script to life, capturing the essence of each scene. This phase is dynamic and demanding, requiring creativity and precision to transform your vision into reality. After we've captured the material it's time to shape your story, handle colour correction, record any voiceovers, clean up the audio, add music, create graphics and in general make sure your film look exactly like we planned.

Distribute - Sharing Your Story

After the final cut is ready, it's time to distribute your film. Here we develop a distribution strategy that reaches your target audience. Here we explore options to generate buzz and attract viewers. This phase is about showcasing your film to the world, ensuring that your story reaches and resonates with a your audience.

Time to turn your story into a film!

Got a story in mind?
Let’s chat